ABOUT Maalav

Company Overview

Maalav Mahila Milk Producer Company was incorporated on 18th August, 2017 under Part IX A of companies Act 1956 with an aim to bring social economic change in the life of rural poor. The company has started its business operations from 1st July 2018, with 1667 members as the shareholders of the company.

The operations of the company are spread over Rajgarh, Shivpuri, Guna, Datia and Sheopur districts of Madhya Pradesh. Over a period of time, the company has received an overwhelming response from the milk producers of the area and it has mobilized around 23000 members till date. At present, the company is procuring 1,00000 Ltr of fresh raw milk from its registered producer members who are spread across 750 villages of Madhya Pradesh.

The main objective of the Company is to carry on the business of procuring, pooling, processing and marketing of milk to create maximum value for its shareholders and at the same time provide the best quality milk and milk products to the customers.


News & Event

  • AGM

    • Company’s interest is paramount
    • Foresightedness
    • Honesty
    • Transparency
    • Quality
    • Responsibility
    • Team Spirit


    Malav Mahila Milk Producer Company will collect quality milk from all its members at competitive price, and is determined to increase their profit earned from milk business by providing technical service for increasing milk production, reducing cost expenses.


    Malav Mahila Milk Producer Company will be one of the five best companies in Central India and will be the first choice of milk producers, consumers and employees.



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